Volunteer Requirements: Protecting God’s Children

  • Be alone with a minor or vulnerable adult in a residence, rectory, sleeping facility, or any closed room.
  • Share any sleeping arrangements such as bed, sleeping bag or small tent with a minor or vulnerable adult.
  • Take an overnight trip alone with a minor or vulnerable adult.
  • Acquire, possess or distribute any form of sexual material to a minor or vulnerable adult.
  • Introduce sexually oriented topics, vocabulary, music, jokes, propositions, recordings, films, games, websites, computer software or entertainment to a minor or vulnerable adult unless it is has
    been approved by the Office of Protection of Children and Youth and the agency or department responsible for developing the educational content.
  • Provide alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana or controlled substances to a minor or vulnerable adult.
  • Use, possess, or be under the influence of illegal drugs, or be under the influence of prescription or over-the-counter medication due to misuse.
  • Humiliate, ridicule, threaten, harass (verbally or physically), or degrade another person.
  • Use profanity or vulgarities in the presence of minors or vulnerable adults.
  • Be nude (partially or full) in the presence of minors or vulnerable adults.
  • Photograph minors or vulnerable adults without a written consent in the form of a release from a parent or legal guardian.
  • Communicate with a minor or vulnerable adult through the use of electronic means, except when delivering information regarding a program, event, or school function. Any such communications shall follow the Archdiocese Electronic Communications Guidelines Applicable to All Groups and the Special Rules for Use of Group Messaging Apps.
  • Avoid overnight stays with a minor or vulnerable adult unless there is another adult present in a supervisory role.
  • Avoid providing overnight accommodations for minors or vulnerable adults in private residences or rectories.
  • Avoid driving alone in a vehicle with a minor or vulnerable adult.
  • Have more than one child and at least one other adult present when using one’s own home for youth work.
  • Assume the full burden for setting and maintaining clear, appropriate physical and emotional boundaries in all ministerial relationships.
  • Refrain from giving gifts to a minor or vulnerable adult without advance knowledge and approval of the parent, guardian or caregiver.
  • Avoid meeting privately with minors or vulnerable adults in rooms, offices, or similar areas where there is no window or where the door does not remain open. If one-on-one pastoral care of a minor or vulnerable adult is needed (e.g. Sacrament of Reconciliation) avoid meeting in isolated locations or closed rooms.
  • Adhere to the Archdiocese Electronic Communications Guidelines Applicable to All Groups and the Special Rules for Use of Group Messaging Apps when communicating with minors and/or vulnerable adults via email or other electronic means.
  • Ensure that all activities involving minors or vulnerable adults (extra-curricular, catechetical, youth ministry, scouting, athletics etc.) for which I am responsible have been approved in advance by my supervisor or administrator.
  • Have an adequate number of adults present at events. A minimum of two adults in supervisory roles must always be present during activities for minors and vulnerable adults.
  • Ensure no minors or vulnerable adults are left unattended after program/activity concludes.
  • Avoid taking minors and vulnerable adults away from the parish, school, or agency for field trips, etc. without another adult present in a supervisory role. Obtain written parental/guardian permission before such activities. Permission slips must include the type, locations, dates, and times of the activity, and emergency contact numbers of minor’s or vulnerable adult’s parent, guardian, or caregiver.
  • Verbal praise
  • Handshakes
  • “High-fives,” hand slapping and “fist bumps” • Brief pats on the shoulder or back
  • Hugs (brief)
  • Holding hands while walking
  • Sitting beside
  • Holding hands during prayer
  • Pats on the head when culturally appropriate

– Inappropriate or lengthy embraces
– Kisses
– Holding minors over four years old on the lap
– Touching buttocks, chest, knees, legs or genital areas
– Being with minors or vulnerable adults in isolated areas such as bedrooms, closets, staff-only areas or other private and closed rooms
– Inappropriate physical affection in all places, non-public as well as public
– Being reclined with a minor or vulnerable adult
– Wrestling or tickling minors or vulnerable adults
– Piggyback rides
– Any type of massage given by minor or vulnerable adult to adult, or by adult to minor or vulnerable adult
– Any form of unwanted affection
– Compliments that relate to physique or body development
– Gratuitous application of sunscreen or any other topical salves, ointments etc.